Your Stories
Photographs are our memory over time, when our memories begin to get lost in the passing time.
(Silvana Stremiz)

"A photo not taken is a memory that is not there. Remember to REMEMBER!"
So went an old Kodak slogan. when souvenir photos existed only if printed.
Once upon a time there always came that moment when there was a need to print photos and then we went to the professional photographer to develop the film and transform it into photographs and eternal memories. Photographs that we jealously kept to then relive emotions, memories, places and people.
Today the photos exist even without the press, with the illusion that the photos and therefore also the memories are always with us.
But then, suddenly, the mobile phone breaks, the usb key or the cd are no longer read by the new computer, the space runs out e those photos, those memories are completely lost.
That's why we still print photos today!
Try asking yourself: what memories will remain of your children and your family if each shot is abandoned and forgotten in your smartphone that after a few years will be replaced because it is obsolete or not working?
Together with your cell phone, you risk throwing away your memories too.
For this you have to print the photos! And for this reason each of my photoshoots also includes high quality and high resolution prints.
Your Stories, Forever Photographs
And that's also why I decided to create the "Your Stories" service, Your Stories, so as not to lose your memories.
But how does it work? simple! If you have photos of your wedding that you have never had the opportunity to print, of a trip out of town or of your children, a birthday or even a gift to do, all enclosed in a digital medium, take them to me and I will transform them into yours. memories!
We can print your photos or create a photo-book to give to your loved one or to review whenever you want!
There is no limit, only your desire to relive unique memories that tell your life.
Would you like to know more?write me here